Our Services
Based on a system of zones and reflex areas on the feet and hands, such work has been known to effect a physical change to the body and its organs, on a mental, physical and emotional level. which gives the body back a sense of balance. Crystal Bowl Sound Healing is included in this treatment.
Charge – $85

Charge – $100
Chantal will engage your pineal gland and help activate it. Along with cleansing and clearing your energetic field so that you are better able to tap into your intuition, bringing better clarity into one’s life.
Charge – $175

Get one on one hands on healing from our very gifted and intuitive healer, Chantal. She has been doing healing work for over 30 years with truly amazing results!
Charge – $150
Call to book an appointment and get more information today (860) 698-2906

The objective includes finding a life purpose, overcoming obstacles and putting pain and grief into perspective. Attaining a sense of peace and feeling of empowerment. For individuals who need a different perspective of what counseling can be like with a holistic and an intuitive counselor. Chantal has been helping people get well for over 30 years
Charge – $100
The ONLY one in New England!
WE CALL IT “THE HUMAN BODY TUNING MACHINE.” Using Plasma Light technology to assist the bodies natural healing abilities.
Charge – $50
Buy 5 treatments, get 1 free!

Group Crystal Bowl Sound Healing
Charge – $20
Intuitive Body Scanning is Chantal’s ability to see, know and feel what is going on with a clients body and overall health issues. Much of what comes through are “root cause” answers to one’s issue at hand.
Charge – $125

Far Infrared Himalayan Salt Sauna
Help for respiratory ailments. People with allergies, asthma, bronchitis, skin ailments and a variety of other respiratory ailments report significant relief from the far infrared Himalayan salt sauna therapy.
Great for relaxation and stress relief and also an excellent way to release toxins through detoxing the entire body.
Salt Pod
Himalayan Salt Pod has 12 different settings with the extraordinary healing of our infrared heat that will remove toxins from body, help with weight loss, cellulite, release muscle tension, rejuvenate the senses, clear sinuses and lungs due to allergies, colds, flu, bronchitis, etc.
30 minutes – $25 | 45 minutes – $35
Charge – $10 (10 minutes)

Our clients have experienced immediate results, leaving the skin feeling and looking tighter, firmer and smoother!
Charge – $1795
All in one treatment!
Charge – $300

during each treatment.
Initial consultation – $125
Follow-up visits – $90